About Us

About Kindle Krishna

Every change is a chance


Meet Suganya Mahalingam, the driving force behind KINDLE KRISHNA, located in the picturesque town of Ooty. Suganya's unwavering dedication to personal development and academic guidance has propelled her to establish an academy that serves as a beacon for thousands striving for excellence. Through her captivating motivational speeches across various districts in Tamil Nadu, Suganya has ignited a spark of inspiration in countless hearts.
At KINDLE KRISHNA, we provide a nurturing environment where students and parents can flourish personally and academically. Suganya's counseling expertise has transformed lives, empowering students to overcome obstacles and reach their full potential. Moreover, our initiatives extend beyond traditional education, with impactful social awareness programs addressing pertinent societal issues.
In essence, KINDLE KRISHNAisn't just an institution; it's a transformative journey towards personal and academic success. Led by Suganya Mahadevan's passion and vision, it's a place where every student can thrive and realize their dreams. If you're seeking more than just academic support—if you're seeking a partner in personal growth and your child's achievement—then KINDLE KRISHNA is the solution you've been searching for.



Families Transformed



Districts Touched



Lives Empowered



Students Thriving


FAQ from Kindle Krishna

What are some effective discipline strategies for toddlers?

Effective discipline strategies for toddlers involve consistency and positive reinforcement. It's essential to set clear boundaries and expectations, ensuring that rules are consistently enforced. Positive reinforcement, such as praise and rewards for good behavior, can help reinforce desired actions. Redirecting their attention when they misbehave can also be effective, steering them towards more appropriate activities. Time-outs can provide a chance for toddlers to calm down and reflect on their behavior, although they should be brief and followed by discussions about what happened and how to make better choices in the future.

How can I help my child overcome shyness and build confidence?

Helping a child overcome shyness and build confidence involves gradual exposure to social situations and providing support and encouragement. Encouraging social interactions with peers through playdates and group activities can help them develop social skills and build relationships. Praising their efforts and accomplishments, no matter how small, can boost their self-esteem. It's also important to lead by example and demonstrate confidence in social situations, as children often model their behavior after their caregivers.

What is the appropriate age to introduce technology to my child?

The appropriate age to introduce technology to a child varies depending on factors such as their maturity level and the content being introduced. However, it's generally recommended to introduce technology gradually and with supervision. Parents should consider the appropriateness of the content and limit screen time to ensure a balanced lifestyle. Setting guidelines and boundaries around technology use from an early age can help establish healthy habits and prevent overdependence on screens.

How do I handle tantrums and meltdowns in public?

Handling tantrums and meltdowns in public requires patience, understanding, and a calm approach. It's essential for parents to stay calm themselves and avoid reacting impulsively to the situation. If possible, remove the child from the triggering environment to a quiet and safe space. Offering comfort and reassurance can help soothe the child until they calm down. After the tantrum has subsided, it's helpful to discuss their feelings and provide alternative coping strategies for future situations.

What are signs that my child may be struggling with mental health issues?

Signs that a child may be struggling with mental health issues include changes in behavior, mood, or daily functioning. This could manifest as increased irritability, withdrawal from activities they used to enjoy, changes in sleep or appetite patterns, or physical complaints without an apparent cause. It's essential for parents to pay attention to these signs and seek professional help if they persist or worsen over time.

How can I encourage my child to develop healthy eating habits?

Encouraging a child to develop healthy eating habits involves providing a variety of nutritious foods and modeling healthy eating behaviors. Parents can involve their children in meal planning and preparation, making it a fun and educational experience. Establishing regular meal and snack times can help create a sense of routine and stability. It's also important to avoid using food as a reward or punishment, instead emphasizing the importance of nourishing their bodies with wholesome foods.

What are the benefits of involving children in extracurricular activities?

Involving children in extracurricular activities offers numerous benefits beyond academics. Participation in sports, clubs, or hobbies can help children develop social skills, teamwork, and leadership abilities. It provides opportunities for physical activity and skill development, promoting overall health and well-being. Additionally, extracurricular activities allow children to explore their interests and passions outside of the classroom, fostering personal growth and a sense of fulfillment.

How do I address bullying behavior, either as a victim or a perpetrator?

Addressing bullying behavior requires a proactive and supportive approach from parents, whether their child is the victim or the perpetrator. If a child is being bullied, it's crucial to provide emotional support and reassurance while helping them develop strategies to assert themselves and seek help from trusted adults. Parents should also work with schools and community resources to address the issue and ensure the safety of their child. Conversely, if a child is engaging in bullying behavior, parents must intervene immediately and address the underlying causes while teaching empathy, respect, and appropriate conflict resolution skills.

What are some tips for fostering sibling relationships and minimizing rivalry?

Fostering positive sibling relationships and minimizing rivalry requires creating an environment that promotes cooperation, empathy, and mutual respect. Encourage siblings to spend quality time together engaging in shared activities and interests. Emphasize the importance of communication and problem-solving skills, teaching them to express their feelings constructively and resolve conflicts peacefully. Avoid comparing siblings or favoring one over the other, as this can fuel resentment and rivalry. Celebrate each child's individual strengths and achievements while fostering a sense of unity and teamwork within the family.

How do I talk to my child about sensitive topics such as puberty or sexuality?

Talking to your child about sensitive topics like puberty or sexuality can be challenging but essential for their understanding and well-being. Start by creating an open and supportive environment where your child feels comfortable asking questions and expressing their concerns. Use age-appropriate language and provide accurate information about the changes their body will undergo during puberty, emphasizing that these changes are natural and normal. Address any misconceptions or fears they may have and reassure them that you are there to support and guide them through this stage of their development. When discussing sexuality, emphasize the importance of consent, respect, and healthy relationships, and encourage them to come to you with any further questions or concerns they may have.